
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weightloss Issues

Well where to begin! 

When I first met Tas I was a size 6! :( (ohh those where the days... ) and you know what??? I thought I was fat.. I always had it in my head, suck your tummy in at all times, and I always kept myself covered.. There is no way in the summer I'd be in a bikini, well I was but covered with a singlet and shorts.. Oh if only I knew what I do today?!?!??!

Within the first year of being with Tas I hit an 8 and by graduation I was a healthy size 10. People told me I looked much healthier and looked good. 

By our wedding day I just snuck into a 14. like literally I had to return my size 12 dress to get a 14. :( Almost died that day!  

During my pregnancy with Billy I developed gestational diabetes and pre eclampsia so I blew out massively. I was 110kg the day I gave birth, my start weight was 84kgs. 
After his birth I lost alot straight away, I dropped 20kgs within three months.. I had a lot of excess skin on my tummy though... :(

By the time I got pregnant to Jorge (2005) I was back to my pre pregnancy weight of 84kgs. Again, the day I gave birth I weighed in at 110kgs... 

From then on and until I got pregnant with Adrianna in 2010, I had been floating between 85 - 96kgs.. When I did fall pregnant I was at 96kgs, so was starting my pregnancy 10kgs bigger than I had with the boys. I don't know exactly how big I got because once I hit 116kg (3rd trimester) I stopped weighing myself. 

When I decided time to lose this weight and improve the quality of my life I weighed 112kgs. That was December 2011, and now Feb 21st 2012 I am currently weighing in at 106.3kgs....

Starting weight: 112kgs
Weight as at 21/2/11: 106.3kg
Target Weight: 65kgs
Total Loss: 5.7 kgs
Weight To Go: 41.3 kgs (OMG Suicidal)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Life is about to change!!!

Enough is enough!

I'm sick of being fat! I am not supposed to be this weight, I'm a small framed person who should be about 60kg! This is my ultimate goal, and I'll get there slowly slowly!!

I've just turned 30 and am determined to have a decade of feeling fabulous! I felt like crap about myself throughout my twenties and now it's time to change that.....

I have three gorgeous children who deserve a other who they can be proud of! I plan to be that woman!! I need to do it for myself and definitely for them..

I've just joined 12WBT and it will start for me tomorrow MONDAY 20th Feb 2012!

I'm ready! Ready! Ready!

Thanks Jane for the encouragement!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nobody Came - Robbie Garner with Toni Maguire

Nobody Came- the appalling true story of brothers cruelly abused in a Jersey care home -by Robbie Garner with Toni Maguire.

This true story follows Robbie through his childhood. Living with his alcoholic mother, older brother John, younger brother Davie and baby sister Denise. His father Stanley tries to take his own life, which causes police to become involved and they remove the children from their parents.

Robbie, Davie and Denise are taken to Sacre Couer, an orphanage. Denise is taken to the girls sections where the boys have no idea what has happened to her. John is taken to another place Haut de la Garenne. The boys suffer abuse of all sorts within the orphanage.

Eventually Robbie is removed from Sacre Couer and put into Haut de la Garenne. His older brother John has already left there and is awaiting his brother's release.

Horrific and torturious things happen at Haur de la Garenne.

Upon his 15th birthday Robbie is released and he and John set up home together, awaiting Davie's release which is two years away.

Haut de la Garenne became under investigation when a child's skull was found beneath their building.

GREAT book.

A must read

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson!

I am still at a loss over this. I know people are probably thinking "OMG get the F over it!" but I really haven't.. I truly believe that he was such a fantastic man! Completely innocent of everything thrown at him.. I do agree he made somoe bad choices but I don't believe for a second that he ever hurt or abused any child. Not many people have the fame that this man did/does. He would have been targeted for absolutely anything he did..

Happy Birthday Angel Michael Joesph Jackson!


you're forever in my heart!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Parents Home Girls Weekend!

Naomi and I headed off for our girlie weekend away at about 12.30pm. Thankfully Tas let me take the day off and head up early. If I had to have worked I wouldn't have gotten all that way till late Friday night.

We did get a little lost.. GPS didn't pick up the address and the melways didn't even list the suburb! We thought we were in huge trouble.. Kym helped us out with some directions, unfortunately she came from a different direction so she actually made things worse for us... lol

At least we did get there in the end, and we were really happy! The house we stayed at was fantastic. I would recommend this place to anyone who has a biggish group and kids. Charleson Farm is prefect!

Spending the weekend with Kym and Ben, Jane and Joel, Nikki, Karina, Michelle and Lisa was absolutely fantastic.. It was such a stress free weekend. Every one was themselves and no one was out of place. Naomi and I put on a full on wog bbq on Saturday which I was very nervous about whether the girls would like it all or not, and was very happy that it was a huge success.
There were camera's snapping around every where and I have stolen one of Karina's for the header above. She's the best photographer, and came up with some awesome photos..

It was sad though when it was time to make the journey back home, and the weather was absolutely disgusting! A weekend just didn't seem long enough..

Till next time ladies, love to you all


Friday, July 10, 2009

The World Is A Lesser Place.....

June 25th 2009 rocked my world.. A legend has passed away and the music industry will never be the same.. Michael Joesph Jackson has died, and it has me so saddened.
I've always been a Michael Jackson fan..

It really saddens me that my kids and generations to come won't experience the King Of Pop, which in my opinion doesn't give the man justice at all.

My boys love MJ. Billy's favourite song is "Black or White" and Jorge's is "Beat It" followed closely by "Dirty Diana"

Tas and I had a conversation only days before his death about whether he'd come to Australia, and if he did we were DEFINITELY spending whatever to see him perform... Well I'm guessing he didn't want to see us, as he died shortly after our conversation.... :(

Right now, I'm loving "Dirty Diana." That song is bloody great! MJ in that film is FUCKING HOT!! I'm serious.. He is sexy as in it.... YummY!

June 09

June has been hectic! Well so have all the months of 2009! Still not getting the calmness and relaxation I was hoping for... But in saying that I've had some great fun this year too... lol

1st we celebrated Naomi's 28th birthday!! F*&K we're getting old... I can't believe how old we are.. I think I'll sink into a depression when my 30th looms.. ROFL


The long awaited P!nk concert finally came along.. It was great to see Chelle and Jane, as I hadn't seen them since we went to QLD in Feb. I LOVE my PH girls.. I really do!! Love ya guts girls! ♥ I also shared the funtour with Sarah, Georgia (sister) and Annemarie (cousin)

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket


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